Data Events Reference

Data Events allow users to perform ​_actions_​ on the mobile device when certain ​_events_​ are triggered. Actions include custom alerts and validation messages, setting field values, choices, labels, descriptions, requirement & visibility settings, HTTP requests and more. Event triggers include record loading, editing, validating, saving, value changing, and more. This enables listening for record changes, programmatically changing values (including status, project, and geometry), as well as building dynamic hyperlinks, writing custom quality assurance logic and much more! Data Events are written in standard JavaScript with some custom functions for accessing form data and record values.

Record Events

EventDescriptionListener Function Signature
load-recordFires when the record editor is displayed. This event can be used to perform one-time initialization when the record editor opens. This event is fired when creating new records and editing existing records. This event is triggered when the record is loaded into the editor in edit mode or in view only mode. It should not rely on default values since defaults will not be applied when records are in view only mode.ON('load-record', callback);
unload-recordActs as the opposite of load-record and fires when the record editor has closed.ON('unload-record', callback);
new-recordFires when a new record is created, after load-record. This event is only fired for new records. It can be used to populate custom default logic or any other custom actions that only need to be performed for new records.ON('new-record', callback);
edit-recordFires when a record is edited, after load-record. This event is only fired when opening existing records. It can be used to perform custom logic when an existing record is opened.ON('edit-record', callback);
save-recordFires immediately before a record is saved and after it's been validated. Inside this event it's possible to make last-second updates to records right before the record is saved. You cannot perform asynchronous tasks in this event. Once the callback is finished the record will be saved and the editor will close. If you want to prevent the record from saving, you must use the validate-record or validate-repeatable events. The callback is passed an event parameter that contains isValid and isDraft properties. The isValid property indicates if the record is valid according to the built-in validation rules. The isDraft property indicates whether the record is being saved as a draft.ON('save-record', callback);
cancel-recordFires after a record editing session is cancelled, before unload-record.ON('cancel-record', callback);
validate-recordFires right before the record is saved to check any validations. Custom validations done in this callback will be displayed in the app alongside normal built-in validations. The callback function should contain custom validation logic and usage of INVALID() to notify the user with a message of why the record is invalid. This event is similar to save-record and save-repeatable except it gives you the option to prevent the record from being saved by using the INVALID() function. Asynchronous functions like REQUEST() are not supported in this event. The callback must perform all validations in a synchronous fashion with INVALID(). The callback is passed an event parameter that contains isValid and isDraft properties. The isValid property indicates if the record is valid according to the built-in validation rules. The isDraft property of this event indicates if the record was previously saved as a draft. The current draft state is determined during the save-record event which fires after validate-record. If you are looking to use the most current isDraft value, then make sure you use the event value in save-record, not the one in validate-record.ON('validate-record', callback);
change-geometryFires when a record's geometry changes. For a new record, this event fires when the device gets a location from the GPS and adds it to the record. Once the record has a location, this event is only fired when the location is manually changed using the 'Set Location' screen. Calling SETLOCATION or SETGEOMETRY does not fire a change-geometry event. If you need to handle programmatic changes to the location you must explicitly handle it in your code.ON('change-geometry', callback);
change-projectFires when a record's project changes. This event does not fire on default values. If you need to handle the project being set when the record is created you can use new-record. Setting the project programmatically with SETPROJECT() does not fire a change-project event. If you need to respond to programmatic changes in the project you must handle it explicitly after SETPROJECT() is called.ON('change-project', callback);
change-statusFires when a record's status changes. This event does not fire on default values. If you need to handle the status being set when the record is created you can use new-record. Setting the status programmatically with SETSTATUS() does not fire a change-status event. If you need to respond to programmatic changes in the status you must handle it explicitly after SETSTATUS() is called.ON('change-status', callback);
change-assignmentFires when a record's assignment changes. The callback is passed an email parameter, which is either null or the email address of the user assigned.ON('change-assignment', callback);


To set up a listener for a record event, use the ON function.

ON('validate-record', function (event) {
  // Do something to validate the record and call INVALID('message'); if there is an error.

The event Object

The callback for record events is passed an event parameter with a name attribute, so you can use the same callback for multiple events. If the event has an associated value, it's passed in the value property of the event. If the event is associated with a form field, it also contains a field property that contains the data name of the field.

  "name": "change-status",
  "value": "complete"

Below we're using the same callback to handle events from both edit-record and new-record.

function callback(event) {
  if ( === 'edit-record') {
    // Do something.
  } else if ( === 'new-record') {
    // Do something else.

ON('edit-record', callback);
ON('new-record', callback);

Field Events

EventDescriptionListener Function Signature
changeFires when a field's value changes, including calculated fields, and when child records are added/edited/removed inside a repeatable.ON('change', 'field', callback);
focusFires when a text or numeric input field has received focus.ON('focus', 'field', callback);
blurFires when a text or numeric input field has lost focus.ON('blur', 'field', callback);
clickFires when a hyperlink field is tapped.ON('click', 'my_hyperlink_field', callback);

There are some cases where the change event is not fired. Default values do not trigger a change event when
creating a new record. Also, change events are not triggered after manually setting a value with SETVALUE. However, they are triggered on changes to calculated fields which may result from changes triggered by SETVALUE or SETLOCATION, for example.

Calculation field value changes DO trigger field events.


When setting up listeners for field events, be sure to add the field as the second parameter.

ON('change', 'cover_type', function (event) {
  // Do something interesting when the cover_type field changes.

The event Object

The callback for field events is passed an event parameter with name, field, and value attributes.

  "name": "change",
  "field": "weather_summary",
  "value": "Partly Cloudy"

Repeatable Events

EventDescriptionListener Function Signature
load-repeatableFires when a repeatable editor is displayed.ON('load-repeatable', 'repeatable_field', callback);
unload-repeatableActs as the opposite of load-repeatable and fires when the repeatable editor is closed. Does not fire when the record is saved.ON('unload-repeatable', 'repeatable_field', callback);
new-repeatableFires when a new repeatable is created, after load-repeatable.ON('new-repeatable', 'repeatable_field', callback);
edit-repeatableFires when an existing repeatable is edited, after load-repeatable. This event is only fired when opening existing repeatables.ON('edit-repeatable', 'repeatable_field', callback);
save-repeatableFires immediately before repeatable is saved, and after it's been validated. The callback is passed an event parameter that contains isValid and isDraft properties. The isValid property indicates if the record is valid according to the built-in validation rules. The isDraft property indicates whether the record is being saved as a draft.ON('save-repeatable', 'repeatable_field', callback);
cancel-repeatableFires when a repeatable editing session is cancelled, before unload-repeatable.ON('cancel-repeatable', 'repeatable_field', callback);
validate-repeatableFires right before the repeatable is saved to check any validations. The callback is passed an event parameter that contains isValid and isDraft properties. The isValid property indicates if the record is valid according to the built-in validation rules. The isDraft property indicates whether the record is being saved as a draft.ON('validate-repeatable', 'repeatable_field', callback);
change-geometryFires when a repeatable's geometry changes.ON('change-geometry', 'repeatable_field', callback);


Setting up listeners for repeatable events looks just like those for record events, except that you'll need to pass an additional parameter, the repeatable field.

ON('validate-repeatable', 'repeatable_field', function (event) {
  // Do something to validate the repeatable and call INVALID('message'); if there is an error.

The event Object

The callback for repeatable events is passed an event parameter with a name and field attributes.

  "name": "save-repeatable",
  "field": "the_repeatable_field"

Media Events

EventDescriptionListener Function Signature
add-photoFires when a photo is added.ON('add-photo', 'photo_field', callback);
remove-photoFires when a photo is removed.ON('remove-photo', 'photo_field', callback);
replace-photoFires when a photo is replaced (annotation saved).ON('replace-photo', 'photo_field', callback);
add-videoFires when a video is added.ON('add-video', 'video_field', callback);
remove-videoFires when a video is removed.ON('remove-video', 'video_field', callback);
add-audioFires when an audio clip is added.ON('add-audio', 'audio_field', callback);
remove-audioFires when an audio clip is removed.ON('remove-audio', 'audio_field', callback);


ON('add-photo', 'photo_field', function (event) {
  // Do something with the photo metadata

Note: media-add events can be combined with the INVALID function to prevent attaching media objects. This can be useful if you want to reject media that does not meet your criteria. The example below loops through all the fields in the app and adds an add-photo event to look for location metadata. If latitude or longitude are missing, it will alert the user to enable geotagging on their device and prevent the photo from being attached to the record.

function validateGeotags(event) {
  if (!event.value.latitude || !event.value.longitude) {
    INVALID('This photo is NOT geotagged. Enable photo geotagging on your device and try again.');

ON('load-record', function (event) {
  DATANAMES('PhotoField').forEach(function(dataName) {
    ON('add-photo', dataName, validateGeotags);

The add-photo event Object

The callback for add-photo events is passed an event parameter with name, field, and value attributes. The value attribute is an object containing photo metadata.

  "name": "add-photo",
  "field": "hydrant_photos",
  "value": {
    "id": "f1b053f6-6ed0-4803-9cf0-43f42caea071",
    "size": 834597,
    "latitude": 27.23235235,
    "longitude": -82.09875135,
    "altitude": 10.3,
    "accuracy": 5.0,
    "direction": 347.232355,
    "orientation": 1,
    "width": 4160,
    "height": 3120,
    "timestamp": "2016-01-27 11:13:45"

The remove-photo event Object

The callback for remove-photo events is passed an event parameter with name, field, and value attributes. When removing a photo, the value attribute object only contains the photo id.

  "name": "remove-photo",
  "field": "hydrant_photos",
  "value": {
    "id": "f1b053f6-6ed0-4803-9cf0-43f42caea071"

The replace-photo event Object

The callback for replace-photo events is passed an event parameter with name, field, and value attributes. The value attribute is an object containing photo metadata with the following additional keys:

  • annotated: boolean describing if the replacement is the result of annotation saving
  • replaced: the ID of the photo being replaced
  "name": "replace-photo",
  "field": "hydrant_photos",
  "value": {
    "id": "3f0ea712-a1f7-462a-9b13-2bddac145548",
    "size": 834597,
    "latitude": 27.23235235,
    "longitude": -82.09875135,
    "annotated": true,
    "replaced": "f1b053f6-6ed0-4803-9cf0-43f42caea071",
    "altitude": 10.3,
    "accuracy": 5.0,
    "direction": 347.232355,
    "orientation": 1,
    "width": 4160,
    "height": 3120,
    "timestamp": "2018-11-03 11:46:16"

The add-video event Object

The callback for add-video events is passed an event parameter with name, field, and value attributes. The value attribute is an object containing video metadata.

  "name": "add-video",
  "field": "hydrant_videos",
  "value": {
    "id": "f1b053f6-6ed0-4803-9cf0-43f42caea071",
    "size": 9034597,
    "width": 1920,
    "height": 1080,
    "duration": 20.111,
    "orientation": 0,
    "track": {}

The remove-video event Object

The callback for remove-video events is passed an event parameter with name, field, and value attributes. When removing a video, the value attribute object only contains the video id.

  "name": "remove-video",
  "field": "hydrant_videos",
  "value": {
    "id": "f1b053f6-6ed0-4803-9cf0-43f42caea071"

The add-audio event Object

The callback for add-audio events is passed an event parameter with name, field, and value attributes. The value attribute is an object containing audio clip metadata.

  "name": "add-audio",
  "field": "hydrant_audio_notes",
  "value": {
    "id": "f1b053f6-6ed0-4803-9cf0-43f42caea071",
    "size": 203246,
    "duration": 20.111

The remove-audio event Object

The callback for remove-audio events is passed an event parameter with name, field, and value attributes. When removing an audio attachment, the value attribute object only contains the audio id.

  "name": "remove-audio",
  "field": "hydrant_audio_notes",
  "value": {
    "id": "f1b053f6-6ed0-4803-9cf0-43f42caea071"

Request Calls

If you require pulling in data from an outside source, you can use the REQUEST function. This function has a simple signature and allows you to perform arbitrary HTTP requests.

REQUEST requires two parameters-- an options object containing the url and other request parameters, and a callback function that is called after the request finishes. HTTP requests are performed asynchronously, so code that processes the response needs to be contained within the callback function body.

Tips: You should use the data name of the field that you want to populate. You also will want to make sure that you are returning one value (in the code below we are only grabbing the first row, row[0]).

function doThis() {
  var options = {
    url: ""

  REQUEST(options, function(error, response, body) {
    if (error) {
      ALERT('Error with request: ' + INSPECT(error));
    } else {
      var data = JSON.parse(body);
      SETVALUE('field_you_want_to_populate', data.rows[0].value);

With REQUEST, you can PUT, POST and GET data. You can GET elevation coordinates from the USGS or you can PUT updated features in a Carto table.

You can view the Carto example for more insight into using APIs.


Check out the full documentation on available events and functions by browsing the complete list below.


We have a library of examples available for demonstrating what you can do with data events.

Setting the app (form) attributes

You may want to further customize the default behavior of your app by using the SETFORMATTRIBUTES function. You can use this function to enable or disable many features like location setting, draft creation, auto-syncing and more!